A Declaration Of Gratitude For God’s Providential Care

“We thank you Father that You are Sovereign over all creation. In trials we need not be troubled, nor should we needlessly fear those who may contend with us, for You are our help and our defense in all such matters,

And when we find ourselves in the fires of adversity or in difficult trials or circumstances, it is You who will deliver us from them, Or, if You Choose not to do so; it will be because You have chosen to walk with us through them.
May we exhibit faith under fire, and contentment in whatever state in which we find ourselves because You are with us. May our lifestyles demonstrate that we never bow to fear or collapse under the pressures of circumstances, or from outside influences because You who are with us, and always for us.

May we be given such grace to Glorify You in all things. Amen” -JSP

(Adapted from Daniel 3:16-18)

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