90 Days of Prayer – Day Forty Five “Let the Change Begin”


90 Days of Prayer – Day Forty Five

“Let the Change Begin”


2 Corinthians 3:18 
“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”
Here is another amazing passage where the apostle talks about the transforming power of the Holy Spirit and God’s Presence. The entire purpose of world redemption is to transform the character of all people to reflect the character of Christ.
As you continue to meet with God in prayer meditating on His Word, applying it to your daily life; the Holy Spirit will begin changing you into the image and likeness of Christ. God’s Presence and character has a transforming influence in the life of anyone who spends regular time alone with Him.
This is not some behavioral modification or self-improvement technique, but an actual transformation of our character done by the Holy Spirit from the inside out. The idea of the mirror is a twofold process. First, you are humbled to see yourself as you actually are before God. You are then encouraged to see yourself as God does in Christ. 
Seeing yourself in Christ as God does is done by meditating on the character of Christ and on the passages that speaks about who you are in Him. This continual looking at Christ will cause you to desire to be more like Him in every way. You actually become what you constantly think and see.
Like a magnifying glass; everything you focus on appears larger to you. You want the image of Christ to grow larger in your thinking. The saying that you are what you think about all day long is actually true.
The words “being transformed” in the passage is “metamorphoō” a word we get our English metamorphosis from. This compound is “meta” meaning “change” and “morphoō” meaning “to give shape or form.” This is the work of the Holy Spirit as you come to understand that Christ is now your life, and His character is formed within you.
So, meditate on the Word and what God says about who you are in Christ, see yourself as God does, Look to Him and see Christ high and lifted up, trust God to do His transforming work in you and Be Encouraged.

John S. Picarello

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