My Hope is in God

90 Days of Prayer – Day Six
Psalm 27:14
“Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.”
In the passage before us, David uses the word wait twice in this final verse of his Psalm. The word “wait” here carries with it the idea of hope which was so characteristic of David.

David’s trust in God enabled him to wait patiently and expectantly, knowing that regardless of the circumstances, he would not be disappointed or embarrassed.
We would do well to ask ourselves if God is really bigger to us than any situation we may find ourselves in. Are you given to hope in God in dire circumstances?

A Reality or Just a Memory Verse?

What is exercising the greater influence within us, God’s word or our circumstances? David lived the prayerful lifestyle, so much so, that God was more real to him than any of the circumstances he found himself in.

“An ever-present help in times of trouble”(Psalm 46:1) was no mere memory verse to David, it was his reality, and he staked his life on it many times.
When caught in the tyranny of the urgent, minutes can seem like hours, and God can seem so far away. Although God is omnipresent (everywhere at the same time), He is never in a hurry. All of creation is completely under His sovereign control. Nothing that concerns us escapes His notice.

God has already determined when our prayer will be answered, in fact, He knows precisely when and how He is answering the prayers we have yet to pray – He’s always a billion steps ahead of us. It is to the degree we know God intimately that we are confident and comfortable waiting in prayer until His answers arrive.

Once we’ve invested time pursuing and developing intimacy with God, we’ll begin to sense His guidance in all situations: “I will guide thee with mine eye” will become second nature to us. This doesn’t happen overnight; it takes time. Faith to overcome all obstacles comes from our fellowship with God. As our relationship with Him grows so will our confidence.

Faith is Tested in the Fires of Adversity

Genuine faith overcomes all adversities and difficulties as well as all delays in prayer. Persistence in waiting on God takes practice, but it’s well worth the investment of time. Waiting patiently on God develops self-discipline which builds character leading to maturity.

Job developed faith under fire: “But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold” (Job 23:10). King Saul lost his place as king, largely due to his impulsiveness. When tested under fire Saul did not take God’s Word as his anchor in the storm (see 1 Samuel 15:1-10).

Learning to obey God’s Word and yielding to the Holy Spirit’s leading, so we can pray God’s will as He wants us to, is a fine art that will develop over time if we’re persistent. Abraham waited twenty-four years for Isaac to be born. He dealt with the reality of growing older by staking his life and reputation on God’s promise, and was called righteous! (see Romans 4:18-22)

So, don’t be discouraged; be patient, The Holy Spirit knows how to teach us to pray through every fiery trial that confronts us. Wait expectantly on the Lord, you will not be disappointed. Be hopeful and Be encouraged – JSP

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