90 Days of Prayer – Day Sixteen

90 Days of Prayer – Day Sixteen


Luke 18:1
Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.

Learning how to keep praying until we hear from God, or receive an impartation of His faith, or to just keep praying until the answer comes; is the great secret of receiving answers to our prayers. This is one of the greatest truths about faith and prayer that I have ever learned. This truth can only be learned by living a lifestyle of continued persistent praying. I believe that the two quotes that follow will be of great help to you, as they’ve been to me for more than thirty five years. -JSP

“The great point is never to give up until the answer comes. I have been praying for fifty-two years, every day, for two men, sons of a friend of my youth. They are not converted yet, but will be! How can it be otherwise? There is the unchanging promise of Jehovah, and on that I rest. The great fault of the children of God is, they do not continue in prayer; they do not persevere. If they desire anything for God’s glory, they should pray until they get it.” – George Mueller

Have you a need? Take it to Jesus. Have you a problem? Lay it at the Master’s feet. Begin to trust Him, and as you give Him your confidence and trust, you will find His Faith will become operative in you. Why play with the teacup of our struggles and endeavors when His faith is as boundless as the ocean? -Dr. Charles S. Price

Be persistent and Be Encouraged!

John S Picarello

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